Acceleration Event Description – Formula SAE Electric

Last Updated 2.20.2024

EVENT CAPTAINS: David Dashwood and Alex Swanson
VENUE: Michigan International Speedway, Brooklyn, MI, USA

Event Concept:
The objective of the Acceleration Event is to evaluate the car’s demonstrated acceleration capability by measuring the elapsed time required for the car to travel 75 m (246 ft) from a standing start. The event is designed to focus on the engine’s performance and on the suspension's ability to maximize tire grip.

Supplemental Regulations:

  • All Acceleration runs must be started within the published schedule. However, the Event Captain may adjust the schedule based on event conditions.
  • NO tools and/or spare parts are permitted in the staging lanes.
  • NO "traction enhancing" agents are permitted to be used on the tires or track surface.
  • NO "burnouts" are permitted.
  • Within the Acceleration Dynamic Area, other than the Staging Lanes, engines may be started in accordance with Paddock rules.
  • The driver will have up to 20 seconds to start a run after the Start Light has been lit.
  • A DQ and/or a 25-point penalty may be assessed by the Event Captain for infractions committed in the staging area, start line or return lane, or any act deemed to be unsafe by the Event Captain.
  • In the event of technical difficulties, flags (green / checkered) may be substituted for the Start /Finish lights.


  1. Stage your car in the appropriate Staging Lane for either Driver 1 or Driver 2. Drivers must be properly belted into the car with all required safety equipment properly installed, as directed by the Event Workers, before the car is first in line to start an Acceleration Run.

  2. Cars may approach the Start Line when directed to do so by an Event Worker. An Event Worker will stage the car approximately 0.3m (1 ft) behind the Start Line.

  3. The driver may start an Acceleration Run only when the Green Start Light is lit. Timing starts when any part of the car crosses the Start Line. The Acceleration Run is counted (one of the permitted Acceleration Runs) when any part of the car crosses the Start Line. Timing ends when any part of the car crosses the Finish Line, and the Finish Line light is triggered.

  4. After crossing the Finish Line, apply brakes in a safe, controlled manner. Slow the car such that the right turn through one of two open sections in the Pit Wall to the Return Lane can be made safely. There are two exits (open sections in the Pit Wall) to the Return Lane (to the right). Cars that are not sufficiently slowed to safely take the first exit should take the second exit. If the car has not slowed sufficiently to take the second exit, the driver should continue straight toward the end of the Pit Lane and come to a stop as soon as possible.

  5. At the end of the Return Lane, the driver may decide to immediately take a second run or exit the staging area to complete a second run later during the event. The driver may either:
    a. Turn Left to Exit. After turning left and coming to a complete Stop under the overpass, the Team may retrieve the car, or
    b. Turn Right to attempt a second run. Cars may approach the Start Line when directed to do so by an Event Worker.