CHARGING AREA – Formula SAE Electric

Last Updated 5.14.2024

HOURS: Same as official site

All work on energized TS electrical circuits or with energized TS circuits exposed must be done in the hot work area. This includes all work inside the accumulator.

NOTE: Only mechanical work that does not involve the energized electrical system or accumulators may be performed in the team’s paddock. Under NO CIRCUMSTANCE may a team open any energized electrical system or accumulator container in the paddock.Each team will be assigned to a roughly 10’ x 10’ work area. Each bay will be equipped with an 8’ long table and 2 chairs. Work stations will not be permanently assigned; they are on a first come, first serve basis when team enters the hot work area. Time limits may be imposed if there are more teams requiring hot work than there are available work areas.

Teams must bring the following to the hot work area:

  • Accumulator/device requiring hot work.
  • Insulated tools
  • Electrical gloves (including leather overgloves and tested in the last 12 months)
  • Safety Glasses for all team members
  • Any other required PPE to perform the work

Teams will be required to review their work plan with the hot work area event captain prior to being assigned a work area.

No more than five team members of an individual EV team are allowed to be in the hot work area at the same time; members must have dynamic passes or be the ESO.