Last Updated 1.31.2024

Event Captains: Gary Godula and David Dashwood
Location: Practice Track is adjacent to the Dynamic Area located at Gate 12


The practice track is a relatively large (150 meters x 60 meters defined by water barriers and orange pylons) open test area designated by the event organizers to provide teams with an opportunity to conduct brief dynamic tests of their vehicle during the available hours of the competition. The practice area will contain a 65 meter acceleration run with a 75 meter shut down area, a single 15 meter skid pad, elements of an autocross course which can be integrated with a slalom section, and an open track area which will be available for use at the driver’s discretion. No vehicle will be permitted to enter the Practice Track unless it has all 6 tech stickers (EV); no exceptions.

Drivers and team members must adhere to all safety rules. Each driver must understand and follow proper driving procedures at this facility. In addition, it must be understood that the Practice Track volunteers and SCCA officials are in control of the facility and adherence to their direction is mandatory.

Only one car at a time will be allowed to enter the Practice Track. At all times, drivers must be wearing complete and proper safety equipment. Engines may only be started and warmed up in the designated “hot area” prior to entering the Practice Track. The officials will use green and red flags to communicate session status with the on-track driver and team. Once signaled to begin testing (green flag), the driver is free to perform any test maneuvers he or she feels necessary to safely evaluate the vehicle (within the limits of the track surface conditions and within the limits of the practice area boundaries). The red flag shown to a driver indicates the test session is complete and the vehicle must be driven to the exit area. If a red flag and a fire extinguisher is shown to a driver, that driver will immediately bring the vehicle to a complete stop and prepare to exit the vehicle and wait for further instructions from an official or course worker. At least one SCCA-designated Practice Track Event Captain and one SCCA-licensed corner worker shall be always present to direct the activities of the assigned volunteers and to maintain the operation of the practice area in a safe and controlled manner in accordance with the Steward’s Manual and SCCA safety practices. Teams will be given an approximate 5-minute period to conduct a practice session. Teams will be allowed to practice on a first come, first served basis. Multiple practice sessions are allowed, with teams returning to the back of the line to establish subsequent run order. Practice area officials reserve the right to adjust the allotted practice time for teams, based on several factors including the number of teams awaiting usage of the area.

A vehicle staging and repair area will be located next to the practice area within the boundary of the designated “dynamics” area. The “dynamics” area is defined by the track access gate at Gate 12 separating the infield from the MIS oval track surface. Teams are encouraged to stage their vehicles within the staging and repair area to minimize the number of teams and team members located on the access road due to the high vehicular/truck traffic utilizing the access road.

If, during dynamic testing, the vehicle sustains damage or significant mechanical breakdown, the vehicle will be required to exit the track and make the necessary repairs. The Tech inspection sticker may be removed from the vehicle by a Practice Area Official thus requiring an additional Tech Inspection prior to participating in additional dynamic tests or events.

The Saturday Practice track is a triangular 120 meter x 40 meter open area at the north end (oval turn 4) of the pit lane and will also be defined by water barriers and orange pylons. This area is intended primarily for vehicle warm-up and debugging prior in preparation for the Enduro event and will not contain any dynamic events elements within its borders. Staging for the Saturday practice area is on the MIS NASCAR pit lane and is accessed through a gate just north of Garage 3.

All the same eligibility and safety rules in place for the Thursday/Friday practice area apply to the Saturday practice area as well.

Since the Endurance event is run in a specific team order, and the Saturday practice area is primarily intended to prepare teams for the Endurance event, there will be a focus on ensuring that teams are not late for their Endurance event slot. This may result in some reordering of teams in line for the practice area to ensure no teams miss their allotted time slot.

PLEASE NOTE – Operation of the Practice Event Area in DAMP conditions is at the discretion of the captain of the specific area. See FSAE rules for tire use at specific conditions, Rule #B6.4.1. Also see Part D “Dynamic Event Regulations” Article 2 “Weather Conditions” and Article 3 “Running in Rain” for further clarifications.

Safety guidelines for the Dynamic Practice Area:

  1. Only one car at a time in the Practice Track area. The next car will not be permitted to enter the area until the last one has completely exited. EV Tractive Systems may only be energized in the “hot area” prior to entering the Practice Track and must be shut down immediately after exiting the Practice Track. Vehicles are to be pushed into and out of the practice area to/from the grid area.

  2. Three (3) volunteers (preferably four (4)) will be on hand to manage the operation of the Practice Track.

  3. Never place yourself in the line of travel of any car. Stay well away from the “hot” areas, always at a safe distance behind the designated barriers.

  4. SCCA Solo Radios and whistles are needed for worker communication.

  5. Have 3-4 fire extinguishers, brooms, and oil-dry in the area.

  6. Use brooms and oil dry as needed to keep the Practice Track clean and dry.

  7. Power sweep Practice Track at beginning of each day’s operation and during lunch break if necessary.

  8. Use chalk/flour markers to designate the acceleration and braking lane, skid-pad, and autox sections as needed to easily identify the areas for the drivers.

  9. Any vehicle damage or contact must be reported to the Dynamic Events Safety Steward. Additionally, remove the 2nd tech sticker and report vehicle number to mechanical tech inspection so that it can be re-evaluated after repair. Mechanical Tech Event Captain is to be notified, preferably by radio, of any vehicles/teams where the tech sticker has been removed for re-evaluation.

  10. Do not permit spectators to sit or lean on the bike rack/barriers surrounding the practice track.

  11. All photographers MUST have a spotter within a meter of them in order to ensure their safety within the encompassing practice track staging and surrounding areas.

  12. Radio communications with Emergency Response Team, Safety Stewards, and Event Control will be maintained at all times.