TILT TEST EVENT – Formula SAE Electric

Last Updated 2.15.2024

EVENT CAPTAINS: Herb Seubert & Mark Scott
VENUE: Michigan International Speedway, Brooklyn, MI, USA

The vehicle will be placed on the table with the tallest driver aboard fully suited, helmet buckled, gloves and all safety restraints secured. The table will then be titled to an angle of 45 degrees. There must be no fluid leakage of any kind at this angle. If the vehicle passes this test, the angle is increased to 60 degrees. This angle represents a cornering force of 1.5 G’s. The upper wheels must remain in contact with the table for the vehicle to pass. The person in charge at the tilt table must sign off on inspection form, which travels with the car. A third sticker is applied (on the car) next to the second to indicate passing the tilt table test. The vehicle is now free to proceed to the Rain Test.

Should the vehicle fail at either of the two angles, the car must be repaired & re-tested.

Safety guidelines for the tilt area

  • All power off; push car on & off table. Take care to avoid damage to vehicle when pushed on and off tilt table.
  • Affix the safety strap to prevent vehicle from excessive lift while on table. Allow a little slack.
  • Be sure table is clear before raising and especially when lowering. Inform people in area when raising or lowering (e.g., “Coming Down”).
  • Use absorbent material to soak up leaks.
  • Keep two full and completely functional fire extinguisher handy.