Brake Test Event Description – Formula SAE Electric

Last Updated 4.2.2024

EVENT CAPTAINS: Alba Colon & Mark Scott
VENUE: Michigan International Speedway, Brooklyn, MI, USA
ON-SITE LOCATIONS: Past Gate 50 and to the right

No vehicle is permitted to perform Brake testing until it has passed: a) EV Tech Inspection, b) IC Tech Inspection, c) Tilt Test and d) Rain Test. Proof of this, is the designated “tech” stickers which must be applied to the car. Teams can proceed to the Brake test for the 6th and final tech sticker. Once all 6 stickers are completed then a vehicle is approved to compete in all dynamic events.

At the Brake Test Area, each driver WILL be instructed on the proper procedure. Tire pressures will be limited to 20 PSI MAX and teams must be able to demonstrate this while in line. The tire gauge at the brake event is the official instrument. Once the driver is checked for safety gear and tires are checked for proper inflation the vehicle will be pushed to the staging area, when called to the start line by the starter the car can now be driven under its own power. With the car at the start line of the station a green flag (or similar signal) should be used to signal the start of each run. The driver must accelerate to at least 30 mph (typically getting into 2nd gear) until reaching the braking area, which is a box defined by water barriers. Before entering in this box, the tractive system has to be switched off by the driver and the brake pedal must be actuated as far as possible. The brake test is successful if all four wheels lock.
Note: It may take up to 5 secs until the Tractive System Active Light goes off after shutting down the tractive system.

If the vehicle passes, the person in charge will sign-off the approval form and provide the team with the final “tech” sticker. The vehicle is now free to proceed to the practice track or on to the dynamic events. (The approval forms shall be retained by the brake crew and turned in at the tech garage periodically.)

If the vehicle is unable to pass the brake tests in three attempts, the car must be repaired and then brought back for retest. The vehicle will not be allowed to compete without passing all tests. Note: The vehicle will not be permitted on the practice track without all 4 tech stickers; no exceptions.

PLEASE NOTE: An official will conduct a functional test of the External Master Kill Switch with engine running up and under power as part of the Brake Test Event.

Also, Operation of Brake Testing Event Area in DAMP conditions is at the discretion of the captain of the specific area. See FSAE rules for tire use at specific conditions, Rule #B6.4.1 Also see Part D “Dynamic Event Regulations” Article 2 Weather Conditions and Article 3 Running in Rain for further clarifications.

Vehicles may be forced to return to this station for re-certification should the officials deem it necessary. Re-certification may be required if work is performed on the vehicle’s braking system, or if the vehicle is involved in an incident that results in vehicle damage.

At all times, drivers must be wearing complete and proper safety equipment and proper safety rules must be maintained in both areas.”

Safety guidelines for the Brake areas:

  1. Only one car at a time in Brake area. Do not allow a second car into the area until the last one has completed its exit.
  2. Only the vehicle push crew and the driver are allowed to enter the Brake areas. All must have dynamic passes at each visit.
  3. Do not attempt certification of any vehicle without enough workers. Four (4) preferred at the Brake station.
  4. Never place yourself in the line of travel of any car. Stay well away from the “hot” area.
  5. Use water barriers/bike fencing for protection of workers and equipment.
  6. Fire extinguishers must be with the car and crew at all times.
  7. Use brooms and oil-dry as needed to keep braking area clean and dry.
  8. Any vehicle damage or contact must be reported to the station manager(s).
  9. No work will be allowed on the car inside the Brake areas. Car repairs and work must be performed outside of testing area. Specially marked areas will be set-up for this. Cars can then return to the test area at the discretion of the station manager.