Restricted Areas – Formula SAE

Some teams invite alumni, parents, and sponsors to the competition. These visitors are welcome but must comply with the rules that apply to all spectators and sign the liability waivers and be wrist banded. Any formally organized alumni activities, e.g., meetings, rallies, cook outs, must take place within the relevant team’s paddock and under the same rules that apply to the team.

DYNAMIC AREA & DYNAMIC AREA ACCESS: At Formula SAE the “dynamic area” is one of the “restricted areas” and is defined as any part of the competition site where cars are running under power. The “dynamic area” includes the following parts of the site:

  • Brake test area
  • Courses
  • Event queues and surrounding areas
  • Noise test area
  • Practice track

The dynamic area is considered highly restricted and may only be accessed by individuals with the proper credentials: (1) dynamic area pass and (2) a wristband as follows:

COMPETITOR: Access limited to times the dynamic area gate is open – Must have a dynamic area pass
EVENT CREW WITH DYNAMIC AREA PASS: Access limited to times the dynamic area gate is open -- Must have a dynamic area pass AND be assigned to work the dynamic area.
FACULTY: Access limited to times the dynamic area gate is open – Must have a dynamic area pass. Faculty must use one of their team’s passes.
JUDGES: Judges have very limited access to the dynamic area. Must have a dynamic area pass.
MEDIA: Access limited to times the dynamic area gate is open. Media must be approved by SAE and (1) Photographers and video crews must have a spotter. (2) Media, photographers, video crews and spotters must have dynamic area passes. (SAE staff are responsible for all media access.)
OFFICIAL/ORGANIZER: All area access always.
VIP/SPONSORS: VIPS/Sponsors are not permitted in the dynamic area unless escorted by SAE staff and will not be issued dynamic passes.

DYNAMIC AREA PASSES: Access to the dynamic event area is limited to 4 people per team, including drivers and faculty, and each team is issued four (4) dynamic area passes. To gain access to the dynamic event area team members, including drivers, must wear and display (1) a dynamic area pass, and (2) a plastic wrist band. Team dynamic area passes may be shared with faculty advisors.

  • Faculty advisors are not issued separate dynamic area passes but may use one of the 4 passes issued to their team.
  • Official Translators are issued separate dynamic event passes.
  • Dynamic area passes are also issued to organizers, event crew working that area, staff and other people needing access to the area.
  • Dynamic area passes are not issued to spectators and may not be loaned to spectators.

PADDOCK: The “paddock” is the section of the event site where the teams set up their work site and park their transporters. Individual paddock spaces will be assigned by the organizers. If you are in the paddock, keep in mind that teams may be pushing their vehicles through the aisle ways and power tools may be in use. Be aware of what is going on around you and use common sense.

PARTICIPANTS: To be classified as a “participant” an individual must (1) be at least 18 years of age, affiliated to university, and part of the registered team (2) have signed the FSAE liability waiver and (3) have been issued a wrist band.
Only “participants” have access to the restricted events areas.

RESTRICTED AREA: The “restricted area” is any part of the competition site where teams are likely to be running their vehicle engines. The dynamic event areas, including the noise test site, the brake test site and the practice area are restricted.
Additionally, areas of static judging and technical inspection are also restricted.
Entry into any restricted area is limited to individuals with the proper wrist band.

DYNAMIC AREA ENTRY: The dynamic events area is considered highly restricted and may only be accessed by people with all the following: (1) FSAE issued I.D. badge, (2) dynamic area pass and (3) a plastic wrist band.

SPECTATORS: Registration staff will make every effort to have all spectators sign the MIS liability waiver. There is no minimum age for spectators, but as a matter of operational policy any spectator under 18 years of age must be always accompanied by an adult.

  • Spectators over 18 years of age who sign the waiver will be issued wrist bands.
  • Spectators less than 18 years of age will be either issued a wrist band or have hand stamped.
  • Spectators must remain in the parts of the site open to the public.
  • Spectators are not considered “participants” and may not enter the dynamic events area.

WRISTBANDS: Wristbands are required to be onsite by all competitors, spectators, sponsors, and volunteers.

• PLASTIC: Student, faculty, official, volunteer, sponsor, media, and VIP
• PLASTIC WHITE: Spectators