Last updated 5.17.2024

Cars must pass a technical inspection process before being allowed to practice or take part in the dynamic events. Cars/teams will be given technical inspection stickers for each process they passed, as outlined below:

Part 1 Accumulator Scrutineering
Part 2 Mechanical Scrutineering
Part 3 EV Scrutineering
Part 4 Tilt Test
Part 5 Rain Test
Part 6 Brake Test

Relevant Documents

  1. 2024 FSAE Rules
  2. Rules FAQs
  3. 2024 Structural Equivalency Spreadsheet(s)
  4. 2024 Electric Systems Form
  5. FSAE Electric Rules Supplement
  6. Charging/Hot Work Area
  7. Quick Jack Competition Resource
  8. Approved Transponder List
  9. How to Mount RFID Tags



Electrical Scrutineering covers 2 steps of the tech process for an EV car: Accumulator and EV Active. Teams are encouraged to take their vehicle to mechanical scrutineering while the accumulator is at accumulator scrutineering.

Technical Inspectors will mark or seal various different approved parts (i.e., insulation monitoring device, accumulator containers, energy meter, etc.). The car may be disqualified from any dynamic event by using unmarked parts or substituting marked parts. Parts with broken seals are equivalent to being unmarked. Broken seals can only be replaced by a technical inspector.

Accumulator scrutineering will inspect the accumulator outside of the vehicle and demonstrate the charging ability of the accumulator. Entry to the accumulator scrutineering will be based on the assigned tech number. The lowest number will be taken when an inspection bay becomes available.

Note: It is the team’s responsibility to keep track of how quickly teams are going into Tech Inspection. We recommend you designate a team member to monitor the entrance of the Tech building. The lowest number present will be admitted; if you are not present when called, teams with higher numbers will be permitted to enter before you.


  • Accumulator charger to be used during the event
  • All accumulator containers to be used during the event (not installed in vehicle)
  • Data sheets for all used parts in the tractive system
  • Electronic copy of the ESF
  • Accumulator Container Hand Cart
  • Tools required to open accumulator
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for working on energized accumulator
  • Electronic copy of rule questions (if needed)

EV active scrutineering will test the safety systems of the vehicle. Teams will be admitted into EV Active scrutineering on a first come first served basis and must have passed both accumulator and mechanical scrutineering. This portion of scrutineering will take place in the EV Tech Area.


  • Vehicle with accumulator installed
  • Tools to remove driven wheels and jack stand for vehicle
  • Tools to test Inertia Switch
  • Tools to demonstrate BSPD


VENUE: Michigan International Speedway, Brooklyn, MI, USA

Overall Procedure:

  • Tech order will be defined by the Pre-Competition Accumulator Video submission. Teams who did not submit this document will fall behind those teams defined by the SES submission.
  • Teams will enter in the assigned order. The team with the lowest tech order that is ready for inspection will be allowed to enter first.
  • Teams must come with their driver gear, rain tires, fire extinguisher, car, and any tools to quickly remove panels (no large toolboxes)
  • Inspections will be broken down into approximately 8 stations.
  • Teams will start inspection with SES/Structures separate from the several stations.
  • Each inspection station will be given approximately 10 minutes to complete the station’s inspections. Once the time is up the team will move the car to the next station.
    • If all the inspections are not completed or there are items that need to be fixed, they will be noted to re-inspect later.
    • Teams should make sure they can quickly remove panels and covers to ensure all inspections can be completed on time.
  • If a team successfully passes all inspection stations, they will be given a mechanical tech sticker be allowed to move to the next phase.
  • If a team does not complete all inspections or has items that need to be fixed, they will be noted after completing all inspection stations.
  • After the team fixes all open items or is ready for inspection they will come back and enter a separate “re-tech” line.

Specific Procedures Details:

1. Pre-assigned Tech Numbers

  • All teams will be assigned a single Tech Number defined by the Pre-Competition Accumulator Video Submission. Teams who did not submit this document will fall behind those teams defined by the SES submission.
  • Teams will be given a printed tech number sheet in their registration package to affix to roll hoop or headrest.
  • Tech order number can be viewed in the Formula SAE App under Live Results.
  • Teams will queue in line for 1st time tech and re-tech accordingly.

2. Gear and Vehicle Checks (teams admitted according to Tech Number, lowest number first):

  • When your number is next, bring your car to the entrance of Technical Inspection.
  • Note: It is the team’s responsibility to keep track of how quickly cars are going into Tech Inspection. We recommend you designate a team member to monitor the entrance of the Tech building, where they may simply ask the event staff “which number is next?” The lowest number present will be admitted; if you are not present when called, teams with higher numbers will be permitted to enter before you.

With you, you must have:

  • All items shown in page 1 section “DRIVER'S EQUIPMENT" of the FSAE Inspection Sheet.
  • Rain tires (per V.4.3.2).
    (Driver’s equipment and rain tires can be returned to the paddock after inspection)
  • The car.
  • The FSAE Mechanical Inspection Sheet (Tech Form). Fill in the information in the top section with school name and car number. Must be on each sheet.
  • The Driver Cockpit Checks form. Fill in the drivers’ names.
  • The push bar and fire extinguisher.
  • Electronic Copies of your Structural Equivalency document submissions.
  • Electronic Copies of any relevant Rules Inquiry responses from the year.
  • One driver with his/her full set of safety gear.
  • The car on your “dry” tires. Per Rule V.4.3.1, your dry tires are the ones on the car during Tech Inspection.
  • The Impact Attenuator that you tested (Rule F.8.8) (if you are not using the standard attenuator).
  • Monocoque laminate test specimens (F.4.3), if applicable.

Egress and clearance check will only be completed for one driver in the assembly line. Additional drivers may be checked starting Thursday in the re-tech line (see below)

Note that one driver (who may be checked on Wednesday) is sufficient to receive an inspection sticker and continue through EV Active Scrutineering, Tilt, Rain and Brake. Other drivers may be certified later.

Time Limit:

Each inspection station will be given approximately 10 minutes. Teams are expected to be able to remove covers and panels as needed to complete all inspections in the allowed time. NO work is allowed on the car in the inspection stations. This ensures the assembly line keeps moving and all teams can be inspected.

If there are issues found that must be rectified, the Tech Form will be returned to you (the team,) and you will not receive a sticker. You must then correct the issues and present your car at Tech again for re-inspection.


If a vehicle did not receive a Tech sticker, the event staff will mark your Tech Form with the issues that must be fixed, and then the form will be returned to you.

After you have fixed the issues, on Wednesday, vehicles ready for re-inspection will be required to wait until no more teams need first-time inspection. Event staff will designate a separate line for vehicles needing re-inspection to wait in. Keep the Tech Form with the vehicle when you return for re-inspection.

Additional Driver Checks: (not available Wednesday)

With you, you must have:

  • The car
  • The push bar and fire extinguisher.
  • The driver’s safety gear: helmet, arm restraints, gloves, long pants, long-sleeved shirt, and close-toed shoes must be worn for the egress, harness, and clearance checks. Driving suits, balaclavas, and race shoes are not required for this check.

Only four (4) team members will be allowed into the actual Tech Inspection area. All other team members, the Faculty Advisor, and other spectators will be required to watch from outside the inspection area. The Dynamic Passes will be used as the “pass” into the inspection area. Team members may rotate in and out of the inspection area as required, if there are no more than four in the inspection area at any one time.

When you pass Tech, the first part of the Tech Form will be retained by the event staff, and you will be given the second of six (6) parts of the competition sticker. You should then proceed to the EV Active Scrutineering, and then Tilt Table, Rain and Brake. The third through sixth parts of the sticker will be given at the EV Active Scrutineering, Tilt Table, Rain and Brake respectively. Only when you have all six parts of the competition sticker will you be allowed to compete in the dynamic events or run on the practice track.

If you (a team) expect to have a time conflict with a Static Event (Design, Cost, or Presentation,) please be aware that the Static Event has priority. If your vehicle is currently undergoing Technical Inspection, but you need to leave to attend a Static Event, simply inform your Inspector. You will be allowed to remove your vehicle from the Technical Inspection area and can resume Technical Inspection later at the same inspection point.