Business Finals Information

5/17/2022 9:08:55 AM ET   Formula SAE Michigan - May

Congratulations to teams on making the Formula SAE Presentation Finals!

Teams will compete in the onsite round of the Presentation Event in a timeslot scheduled during the day on Thursday, May 19th at MIS.

The Presentation Final is not the same as the Presentation Highlights done in previous years!

The onsite Final Presentation judging:

  • Will be conducted similar to the way Presentation was done in 2019 and years prior to that
  • Must meet the Presentation Concept from the fsaeonline website, just like the first round
  • Must meet the Formula SAE Rules section S.2, just like the first round
  • All Finalist teams are now currently tied for first place


  • Will be judged and scored using the score sheet from the fsaeonline website, just like the first round
  • The scores from Presentation Finals judging will determine the overall finishing positions
  • No scores, information, or preconception will be carried over from the first round
    • All Finalist teams are now currently tied for first place
    • Finalist team scores and ranking will be based only on the content presented during the onsite portion

  • Teams will be assigned a 30-minute window
    • 5 minutes for setup, 10 minutes for presentation, 5 minutes for question to the team, 5 minutes for questions to the judges, 5 minutes for tear down
  • The room will be outfitted with a power outlet and a screen
    • Any other equipment the team would like to use must be supplied by the team
  • Onsite Presentation Finals will not be public

We will not respond to specific questions from individual teams.

Good luck to all the Presentation Finalist teams!

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