FAQ #366
New Energy Meter for 2025

Last Updated On 10/26/2024 06:37:39 AM by


For 2025, Formula SAE Electric will require a new Energy Meter.

We have received several questions about the new Energy Meter. This FAQ will be revised as more details become available.
Manual Service Disconnect (MSD)

Q: May we use the new Formula SAE Energy Meter as the Manual Service Disconnect (MSD)? Or is a separate MSD required?
A: No. The Manual Service Disconnect (MSD) must be separate from the Energy Meter. See Formula SAE Rules 2025 EV.5.5.2


Q: We know we will have to purchase the receptacle. Can we just buy one ourselves?
A: No. The receptacle is a Amphenol part number MSDXLF000F that has been modified to include additional low voltage connectors

Q: When and where can we purchase the receptacle?
A: We are working on the process and timeframe for this. Please watch the newsfeed for any announcements.


Q: What are the details of the connection between the new Energy Meter and the Tractive System?
A: The receptacle that your team must include will be a modified Amphenol part number MSDXLF000F (front mounted). The HV connection points are as provided on that plug, refer to vendor information for dimensions.

Q: What are the details of the power requirements and low voltage signals?
A: Other connectors will be included in the receptacle. Your team will have to connect the provided wires from these connectors into your circuits for GLV power and signals. This will include an interlock that is part of the receptacle/plug and needs to be included in your Shutdown Circuit. Details are not yet available.

Before Competition

Q: Can we test our vehicle without an Energy Meter installed? How will we do this?
A: Yes, your team should purchase Amphenol part number MSDXLM000, this is the "plug" that the Energy Meter is based on. At the Formula SAE Electric competition, you will remove your plug and install the Energy Meter.

Q: Do we need to purchase this spare plug from SAE or a designated supplier?
A: No. The stock Amphenol plug will fit in the receptacle. Use whatever supplier you would like


Q: Where should we physically locate the Energy Meter?
A: The receptacle must be accessible without opening the Accumulator Container. The download connector on the outside face of the plug must be directly accessible. The intent is that your team will be able to connect and download at any time during the event. The officials may also want to connect to the energy meter.

Q: Can we connect an intermediate cable to the download connector and route that to a more accessible location?
A: No, we need a direct connection to the download connector. It is ok if the download connector is behind something that is easily removeable and does not require a reinspection after removal - an access panel, bodywork, etc.
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