How to Submit Documents for Competition
  1. Create your CdsWeb account
    All Team Captains should signup for an account at This is a new, different account than  At the bottom of the first page, indicate that you ARE a Team Captain / Faculty Advisor.
  2. Affiliate as your Team's Captain
    At the second page of the signup process you'll choose your School and Team and enter the confirmation number you reveived from SAE.
  3. Encourage your other Team Members to signup (optional)
    All team members can upload documents for competition, but the Team Captain must approve your affiliation with the team!

  4. Obtiain any needed Templates / Forms
    For any samples or blank forms, visit  You don;'t need a login to access this downloads area.

  5. Login and go to "My Team Submissions"
    Choose this link on the main menu to view all the submissions related to your competitions.  CdsWeb already knows which races you've registered to attend and will provide a spot for you to upload a document for each item requested by the competition.
  6. Upload your Documents (Draft, or Final)
    To submit a document, choose browse and select the file from your computer.  Keep in mind the format and size constraints set forth in the rules, which will be checked immediately after uploading.  You can upload updated versions of the document as many times as you like up until the deadline.  You can actually upload later than the deadline, but late penalties will be applied.
  7. Verify your Documents (optional)
    The My Team Submissions page records which team member uploaded the most recent document for each submission and also allows you to downoad the document you submitted should you want to verify it later.  You can return to this page at any time during the current season to view the documents your team has submitted.

    If you need assistance, email the SAE and CdsWeb support team at [email protected] and include your CdsWeb username.