Cost Operation Updates

3/15/2024 3:42:23 PM ET   Formula SAE Series

The 2024 Cost and Manufacturing Real Case Scenario prompt and rubric have been published. Students should review these documents in preparation for the Cost and Manufacturing event. Students are expected to review all supplemental guidance for the Cost and Manufacturing event under Series Resources > Cost Event including the module guides, the changelog, and the Cost Supplement.

Additionally, the Cost Catalogs have also been updated with all existing eAIR requests as well as adjustments for the 2024 season. The edits made to the 2024 Online Cost Catalog are across all subsystems, with additions and subtractions made to harmonize the catalogs between the FSAE North American competitions and FSAE Australasia. Additionally, SAE took this opportunity to adjust the PCB costing introduced in 2023 as well as rework some long-standing items in the catalog that needed specification and clarification. These edits are all published in the changelog found under Series Resources.

SAE apologizes for the delayed communication on the 2024 cost operation adjustments, but a detailed article written by one of our cost captains can be viewed online, a website not affiliated with Formula SAE but offers a valuable resource for teams. Please note if you have already read this article, there is a slight edit being made shortly regarding the statement of there being No Comparison Tool as one does exist for student teams within the cost module. Instructions on this functionality have been published online Series Resources also for student review.

Please submit eAIRs as soon as possible, if you wait to submit your requests within 2 days of the cost report submission deadline you risk SAE and Cost Event Captains not having enough time to update the cost catalogs.

Any rules questions may be submitted via the Rules Inquiry Module.