2024 SES v1.1 Template Released

10/18/2023 12:10:28 PM ET   Formula SAE Series

A Version 1.1 of both SES Templates has been released. Teams can find the revised templates under Series Resources - Technical Inspection Resources - SES Templates.

Please see below notes for your respective frame.

Tube Frame: Front and Rear Wing Fastener Shear Dialogue repaired

  • v1.0 vastly underestimating in N, vastly overestimating in lbs.
  • OK to check your own math for equivalence and submit v1.0.
  • We will fix the formula after submission.

EV: Segment compression N high by factor of 10^6

  • OK to check your own math and submit v1.0.
  • We will fix the formula after submission.
  • Caution: Easy to miss equivalence by a different factor of 10.


  • Front Bulkhead, FB Diagonal, and AIP do not reference core thickness correctly.
    • This completely breaks the section, we deeply apologize.
    • OK to check your own math and submit v1.0.
    • We will fix the formula after submission.
    • Caution: Easy to miss equivalence if checking in 2023 SES.
  • Scaling for attachment skins repaired.
  • F.7.8.6 process for Alternative Backing Plates added.

Please report any errors in the SES formulas here: